Upskirt Flash

Upskirt Flash

I first began to realize that I enjoyed showing off my wife a couple of years after we were married. It began with feeling aroused when other men or women would tell me what a nice body she had or that she was "hot." At 5-foot-10, 130 pounds and with very long legs, she would definitely get more than her share of stares when we'd go out. It really hit home for me one Saturday night at a wedding reception. Janine wore a sexy summer dress that I had picked out and I proudly walked with her into the hotel ballroom. I'm not a big dancer (she is) and I was happy when a couple of my college buddies were willing to take Janine on the dance floor and country swing with her. In fact, I didn't see much of her except out on the floor for the next couple of hours. Finally, toward the end of the evening, she informed me that it was about time that I danced with my wife. Not wanting to get shut off for the night, I agreed. It was then that I realized what a nice view of her tits my "good buddies" had been enjoying while taking turns keeping her out on the floor. Bastards -- gotta love them. After many beers, we finally decided to save on a hotel room and go back to a friend's house in the same town. His pad had a hot tub and he invited us to join him. Janine was hesitant, saying that she only had brought an "old" swimsuit because she and I were planning on stopping to swim in a river on our way home. I told her it would be fine, and she finally agreed to join us in the hot tub. Within a minute or two, I knew immediately what her concern was about: Her old suit had grown quite thin, had no padding in the top and as the water splashed up on her chest, her nipples were clearly revealed. My buddy, Joe, Janine and I sat in the hot tub and had a nice conversation for the next hour. All the while, I was getting oh so horny knowing that Joe could easily see my wife's nipples. After we finally got to bed in the guest room, I was simply too horny to sleep. I quickly went to work, touching her pussy and found that she was already quite wet. Not sure if it was the hot tub or if she actually got excited because she knew what she was showing, too, but it wasn't long before we started to fuck. "Do you wish you could be back in the hot tub and Joe would suck one of your nipples and I could suck the other?" I asked her as I began thrusting with more excitement. Janine shook her head, "no," but the way she began to writhe and grind under me gave her away -- it seemed that she was indeed at least a little excited by the idea of having two men fondle her at once. And hell, why not?

Like I said I LOVE to show her off and have a picture I'll send you from when she did some flashing at a mall riding the escalator. She loves it even though she needs some prodding. - David


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