Thanks for the the responses once again.
Well, I know you all have heard plenty from C so he asked me to share my side of the story concerning the camping pictures. I must say he's just a very convincing person and makes great deals to get me to post these pictures. I'm quite into the semi public shenanigans so usually we can make a trade; I pick the place and he gets some pictures. These were those sort of pictures. While camping, there is only so much you can do to stay entertained so we had to have some outdoor fun to make life interesting. And it was a very exciting experience, nothing turns me on like a little bit of risk. Well except for maybe the number 13... We hiked about halfway up the little mountain by our campsite and found a convenient hiding spot behind a few boulders. We could hear the cars on the road below and even heard a few people who decided to hike the same trail as we did, though we finished up before they found us.
Also, we really appreciate the dares and pics you all send in emails so we'd love to hear more ideas C can convince me to try.
Q & C
qcfun13 @ gmail.com