Terry: College Girl's Ass

College Girl's Ass

Hi Webmaster,

I have been a reader of your site now since January but have never sent anything in. I love the site but just was nervous doing it on my own. With my boyfriend's help, I feel more confident. I was wondering, I see lots of dares where husbands/boyfriends like seeing their wives with other men but nothing about the opposite. Us seeing our men with other women?

I find it such a turn on to think about. I know there must be more women out there like me. For me it started when we were first going out (about 3 weeks in) and there we were, together at last in his bedroom. The lights low, the wine chilled to perfection, the sheets soft red satin. He sprinkled the rose petals on the sheets and we were good to go. He even took out two sexy movies from his drawer to play in the background.

I popped 1 of the movies in just as we fell into the bed. I wanted to call out his name. But I heard his name called out several times just as I was going to. He heard it too and stopped and lost his erection. We looked at each other and then at the tv screen. And there he was on the screen in living color, having sex with another woman! It was his ex. Did he bring the wrong tape or what? His lost erection told me he did! I laughed and told him it was okay that he brought the wrong tape and that I kind of liked it. He looked at me as if it was a trick question but I showed him how wet I was. Then he relaxed and we really went at it.

Since then we've been having sex to that tape weekly! If only his ex knew LOL. I'm not ready to make it a reality yet but maybe one day. I hope to hear more stories about women getting turned on seeing their men so I don't feel like an odd-ball. - Terry

Terry Naked

Terry Naked



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