Hi Webmaster,
We are both regulars of truthordarepics and wanted to tell you that while reading some of the dares we started having sex like we sometimes do. I was getting it doggy style and I was almost up against the wall. He did this extra hard fast thrust and my head slammed into the wall and knocked me out for a second or two. I was so embarrassed. He was scared shitless though. He thought he had fucked me to death or something. LOLOL. He told me that from now on he'd look at the site for foreplay only and focus when he is with me. I told him not to worry but you know how it is. We still enjoy the site and have great sex afterwards. I hope you like the pictures of us. They are not as revealing as some but BF is getting into photography and is getting good. I am always who he practices on and am sending you some of those. - Tania & Hep
