Hi Webmaster,
I was an English Lit. Major at university so I may write a lot so be ready. Before I met my BF I had never even imagined going to a strip club much less ever been in one. My BF loves to take me to them as he knows how it will affect me. For some reason, seeing really nice looking sexy females really tends to make me jealous and envious and tends to make me want to look and feel sexier, but only to myself. Maybe it's just insecurity. The first time we went with a group of friends and one guy's GF told us she took her BF and friends and danced for his birthday.
We got all dressed up and in we went. The place was really very nice inside with very attractive girls. It just happened to be amateur night, which my BF knew. After awhile I slipped off and discreetly signed up to dance. When my name was called, I got up to go backstage, but my BF told me to think about what I was going to do and that the next day I would regret it probably. With some persuasion from one of the other women with us, I decided not to go thru with it. For awhile, my BF asked me several times if I would have really done it and if I realized that I was going to on stage totally nude or if it would bother me. I just shrugged and said I probably would have done it. This casualness is what excites him when I do something like this. After sitting at a table with some others, he reached over and undid one of the buttons of my silk blouse which was buttoned almost to the neck. Shortly, he asked how I would feel about undoing another button, and I said sure. After several more teases from him, the blouse was literally unbuttoned completely to the waist and I did not have on a bra. I know he loved how I looked and within a while the blouse had slipped completely off of one shoulder leaving me sitting there with one breast completely and totally exposed to anyone seeing me. He asked me how it felt, and I said no big deal. He really feels that casual, kinda unexpected exposure when not expected is much sexier than frank nudity such as with the dancers or like being at a nude beach.
Then ... The next time for me was when we were in a large city visiting friends and we decided to go to a strip club. We had fun and were about to leave for a party and one of the guys was friends with one of the dancers we saw outside the club. We asked her to join us and off we went to the party. She didn't look or act like the typical dancer as she said she was in college getting her masters and danced to make a living. She also looked a bit conservative and wasn't dressed fancy in any way. At the party my BF and she really hit it off and he told her that, as I said before, we didn't care for frank nudity like at the club, and it was the unexpected times that were the most exciting. He told her that he had rather see her dance in her first costume rather than nude and he asked her what she wore when she first went on stage. She told us, and offered to get it from her car and show us. The outfit was nothing really anything wild. I told her that in all my life I had never seen, dreamed, or worn such things. She asked me if I wanted to try the outfit on and for some reason I said sure. The three of us went into a room and I put on the outfit which consisted of a really low cut (a bit too large) black demi bra, black very sheer basic bikini panties, a black garter, black hose, and really high heels.
I must admit, it felt really wild and strange. She told me how good I looked and my bf agreed. He then teased me by asking if I would like to wear it into the party, even though I knew that the bra was gaping very much and from the top and side both nipples could easily be seen. I just shocked and thrilled him by simply walking right into the party dressed that way, which must have been a bit of a hit for the other people. Strangely, no one really said anything or acted as if anything were unusual, and a couple of other females actually told me how good it looked. I think other women love the look but either don't have the nerve or looks to carry it off. I stayed dressed like that for a while as my bf acted embarrassed but really loved it. He even teased me to look down and see that the bra had actually slipped down even more and had completely uncovered both nipples, but who cared. It was fun and something different.
Then ... On the same subject, my BF and I went out with another friend in a large city we were visiting and for some reason, the guys wanted to hit a strip club first. The club was fairly nice, but small, and we got seats right in front of a stage. As usual, watching the dancers got me somewhat envious as usual. After a while we left to go to a nice late nite dance club, which wasn't really that much fun so we headed back to our friends house to call it a night. Upon arriving at the house, I went straight to our room and for no reason, I put on one of his nice cotton button down shirts which is really large on me. Without explanation, I decided to only button the very last button and after a short thought, I decided not to wear my bra and totally unlike me, I even took off my panties as well. Out I came where the guys were having a beer and my BF immediately realized how I looked and how exposed I was, and made a short little remark, to which I paid no attention. At the table, the shirt really gapped completely open and you could literally see all the way down to my waist. Also several times I went to the kitchen and the bottom of the shirt did little or nothing to cover me. At the table I even sat with my legs under me which allowed a complete view of my lower parts. After a while we all decided to hit the sack and in our room, my bf discovered that our friend had a vibrator in his nighttable, so he started using it on me and then asked me if I wanted his friend to join us; so without much hesitation I called for our friend who was a bit shocked by all this and he came in. I told him to sit down and asked if he minded watching me, so he did. That was about as close to letting another man have sex with me that I can remember even though he just watched as I used his toy. I guess this is what going to a strip club can do to you.
Now I love going and BF takes me whenever we can go. I bought heels that you can see in the pictures and have been practicing for him and will one day get up on the stage and surprise him. LOL he's looking at me saying yeah right but he'll see. Until then. - Candice (please don't post our email address)

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