My sister loves being forced to go nude... Especially in public... For her, its now more of a turn on, and an adrenaline rush... However this is how it started...
When Holly was 4, and I was in my mid teens I used to take her to the park at weekends... One such acasion, we were playing a game of tag... Each person had 5 lives, and when you got tagged, you had to do a type of dare, nothing too bad though... However, when you lost all lives, the person who tagged you could do anything he/she wanted to do to you... So, I stripped her... We were at the park for about 3 hours with her naked, and she must have been crying for about half hour after I stripped her... She totally hated it, (and me for about a week, LOL), but ever since has loved games where she is forced to go nude...