Naughty Birthday: Naked Wife Goes to Strip Club

Naughty Naked Birthday

Hi Webmaster,

Thanks for your suggestion. Well, its on now. I told my wife I wanted to go to a strip club for my birthday Friday night and she is excited. This is a big step for us. I let it die down a couple days (wanting to know if she was doing it because I wanted to, or if she really wanted to for herself as well) and asked her where she wanted to go out on my bday and she said "titty bar" with a smile. "It ought to be a lot of fun and I want to try new things".....WOOOHOOOO!!!!! Inching closer everyday!! I'll let you know what happens and at the same time send you pictures of her. You could perhaps post all this?

>>Emails sent back and forth between Drew and myself (Webmaster)

We'll see what happens.....I am researching on where to go. I've never been to one in San Antonio.....I know all the good ones in Austin (err, well I used to but places like that turn over or reinvent themselves frequently) I'm leaning toward Club XTC, which is owned by Rick's out of Houston (they are big) and its all nude, BYOB. Getting her to commit to going is as far as I got, asking what kind just gets me "I don't know>giggle, giggle<"

Next email from Drew.

Well, the evening ended with "She licked my ear, let's go"........Which can mean entirely different things in different contexts....To say the evening was a smashing success would be an understatement in the extreme. I could not have asked for a better experience(at least for my wife and I).

We settled on XTC, an all nude club owned by Rick's Cabaret out of Houston, which is a very highly reknown establishment. Well, truthfully, the quality was severely lacking and that part disappointed me. The girls were rather ambivilant and as a whole, not that attractive. It didn't stop my wife. I think a very sexy thing sexually is lesbian sex and I know deep down my wife is attracted to women. The question is, would she be able to overcome her inhibitions to persue her fantasies?? As the magic 8 ball might say, "All signs point to yes" ... I figured this was a good way to find out if she could step out side her self and be attracted to #1 other people and #2 women. Yes and Yes.....

I wanted her to get comfy and let it all sink in before I ran off to the stage with singles in hand. I did and she watched me with a big grin. An example of how ho-hum (pun intended) the entertainers were, the girl danced for me and then confided that she was "tired" and it was slow tonight.....too much information....

I have a bad habit of pestering my wife "Are you ok?" "are you having fun?" "Is this cool with you?" I asked her before I went to the stage if she could handle me getting that close to another woman (hey, the girls were rather touchy-feely) and she was a little afraid at first, only to find out it completely turned her on.

By the time I got back and had a drink, they announced 2 for 1 table dances and I figured (the Crown and Coke helped me decide) it was time to push. I got the first one, a hot girl named "Athena" (original at least, yes there were a few "Destiny"s running around) And she was very aggresive, very hands on (cool!) So, as the song ended, I got up and let my wife have the seat and it was on....She made a few different faces when Athena got a little too pushy right off, but the most prominent face was "DAMN, this is hot!!!" The dancer kissed her and my wife kissed back! And the dancer went below the belt (wife was wearing a skirt) and well....did a little more than the law allows (very briefly) I though my wife's eyes were going to pop out of her head! As the song ended, my wife let the dancer gather her stuff and pounced on me. One of the most passionate makeouts we have had in 8 years of dating/marriage.

Wife excused herself to the ladies room and Athena joined me at the table and we chatted. First, she couldn't beleive my wife is 35 and confirmed what I already decided, she has as good a body as half of the dancers. Wife came back and chatted with Athena for a long time until she had to go make the rounds. My wife leaned over and said "She was nice, but I want some variety"

I picked myself up off the floor and had another drink. The night went on and we never found another girl we wanted to blow big money for a table dance on, but dropping singles up on the stage was a ton of fun and they gave my wife some extra attention each time. There were two awesome girls that we both wanted to come dance for us, but they were on stage, so we had to wait. A girl with an awesome ass came out to the main stage and we went up there. By then, it was 11:30 and getting close to time for us to go. I stood behind my wife and the dancer really went all out (unfortunately, she had a great ass, but was rather homely) Didn't stop my wife. She shuddered when the dancer kissed her on the neck and sucked on her ear. Of course, the Captain is getting ready to burst right about then, but I digress. As the song ends, my wife turns to me and says "She licked my ear lets go home...NOW"

And we did.....A long drive too that got us home after midnight but it did not deter her at all! She stripped for me (never done that before!!) and layed back on the bed, and proceeded to extend her legs just like the dancers did (horray for yoga!!) >>BACKUP: she was wearing a low cut white top, a black satin skirt, GARTER BELT w/ thigh high stockings, and a white, lacey G-string(first time for that too!!)

I'm sure you can imagine how the Captain is handling all of this (think caged wild animal) I dove in and for the first time in a long, long time, I made her cum through oral sex ( for whatever reason, it generally takes penetration to take her to the next level). And we then moved on to some serious fucking.....I have never, ever seen her so wet before (the bed looks like hell for all the wet spots) She came twice, the second time as I did (Dear God, that was hard holding back! I won't tell her, but it made it tough!!) She was not done....she grabbed my hand and directed traffic....I jumped up and grabbed the toy (we have just one 6"vibe, so it's THE toy) and she grabbed it from me and made me watch.....The Captain awoke once more and it was on again.

Well, she crashed out, but we talked some. She wants to do it again, but wants to try a titty bar as opposed to an all nude club. She said she had a fantastic time and I informed her the quality wa sub-standard and it gets better.

She still, removed from the situation, acts coy and closed off to even the situations we encountered tonight, but she definitely took a big step.

So, after this enormous ramble, what did we learn, kids? Well, my wife likes girls. She's not afraid to experiment a little at a time. She's hot and better than some professionals. That I won't get jealous seeing her that way. That SHE won't get jealous seeing me with a strange pussy in my face. All in all, it was he best birthday ever. There are still alot of logistics to work out and being entertained by naked women is a ways away from playing with other people. But, slowly, but surely, we are getting there. And I am excited for what the future holds......Thanks for your help and enjoy the pictures. She is just as excited as I am of seeing them here and will probably give me another night like my bday night .... - Drew

Naughty Birthday

Naughty Birthday

Naughty Birthday


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