Hi Readers,
D&A here! It has been a while since our last post, but I think you'll enjoy this one. If you have read our previous posts, you know that we have a very special friendship with fellow dare posters, Kelly and Alan. We trade pictures with them often and recently decided to do the truthordarepics "dare challenge" together. Both couples shot their versions of the dare and we all decided which pics we wanted to send. We also shot some pics of the girls in similar dress... or undress, for your viewing pleasure.
Several months ago, "A" and I were looking for a couple to swap pics with. We are in our 20's and wanted someone in the same age range. It just so happened that Kelly posted in the midst of our search. Thankfully, they wanted feedback, so we complimented Kelly's incredible body and asked if they wanted to trade some pics through e-mail. They liked the idea and we began trading pics on a daily basis. Months later, we consider them to be some of our best friends. They are truly an incredible couple and far beyond what we were looking for. Once we found them, our seach ceased and we trade exclusively with them. I hope you all like the post and we all enjoy the feedback! We have a new e-mail address for you, as our last one has been filled with junk e-mail.
D&A and Kelly
Dare ideas or feedback are welcome at kellysanders69 @ gmail.com. Thanks!
