Just Us - 2

Just Us

Hi Webmaster,

I know it's been a while sence the last posting. My wife said if was not fair so I had to post one of me but I added one of her for your veiwing pleasure.

My wife and I took a vacation the room we stayed in was just one open room the two head shower and hot tub was open to the bed and the window. When we got into the room I told her everything we do tonight will be done with the windows open. She told me no and got into the hot tub. Once she did i lowered the lights to make her feel more at ease and i opened the windows and undressed in front of them. I am sure people probably saw me because you could see in and it was difficult to see out. But to make her feel better I did it anyway and she looked at me and smiled and said no one can see you? I said no. So she said ok. We satrted playing around and ended up in the bed right infront of the window. She lowered her self on me and stared riding me. She would not look up. I could see faint shadows past the window and knew we had an audience. So I told her to lift her head and look at the people watching us. So she did and she got into it. We ended up having sex infront of ?? amount of people until we both finished she fell to the side and laughed at what we just had done and I closed the window. That is the most exciting thing we have done yet but i'll keep you posted if we get deeper into fun.

If you have a dare or anything you would like to send us, please do. ourplay @ hotmail.com If you are kind to the wife we might show more.

Just Us



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