I'm from England and i have just recently discovered your site and showed it to my friends.
I was dared to send a picture of myself in by some guys I know over the net.
So here are some more pictures. Before and after shower. They still don't know who I am!
I made up a fake IM account and added some guys I know on there. I used the same name but never let them see my face on web cam. It was a real turn-on knowing that the guys were complimenting me on my body when what they didn't know is I was actually me! So we would swap sexy pictures and be on cam for each other when I found this site, I showed it to some of them and they said I should send something in. So there it is...
I will send more pics when i have some
Please let me know when it's up and Id rather not have my email address published.
Thanks! :)