D & A - 5: Tits in the Car

Tits in the Car Nude

Dear truthordarepics,

First off, let me tell you how much we are enjoying the feedback we are getting from your readers. And we love the fact that you guys have created a website like this where everyone can post. We are still looking for a young couple to exchange pics through e-mail if anyone's interested.

With all of that out of the way, here is my beautiful naked "A". We took another long car trip which resulted in some interstate nudity. That gets her so incredibly wet by the time we get home. Sometimes I look forward to the end of our vacations more than the trip itself. There are also a couple of pics taken after we got home.

Well, the point of this e-mail is to share something with my wife that I have never said before. We haven't ever discussed our personal fantasies with each other, and this is how I'm finally going to do it. Here is how my fantasy goes:

My wife has an extremely hot friend that comes over every once in a while. She lives far away, so she usually spends the night. There have even been a few times she came over and A wasn't home yet. I have always had a thing for her, but was already involved with my wife. (This is all true.)

Now, in my fantasy, she comes over and has dinner... as usual. We all move to the living room to watch a movie... as usual. We sit down on the couch under a blanket with her in the middle... as usual. She holds the popcorn... as usual. As I'm getting some popcorn, I accidently brush my hand past her breast, but she doesn't make reference to it or even acknowledge it. A few minutes later, I intentionally do it again and let my whole arm and hand graze her breast. She cuts her eyes at me, but doesn't turn her head as to draw attention to the situation. I soon feel her foot running over the top of mine. I slip my hand under the blanket and let it run the length of her thigh. She gets up to put the popcorn bowl away. I think it's because she is backing down, but when she returns to the couch, she playfully lays down and puts her feet in my wife's lap and her head in mine. "A" kinda gives me a wierd look, but turns her attention back to the movie. The friend then finds my hand under the blanket and places it on her breast with her hand on top. I now realize that she has no bra on and I have always wanted to know what her boobs looked and felt like... because I'm a boob-man. They were a little bigger than a handful, abou the size of a big orange. She slips her shirt up and I feel her hard nipples between my fingers. Again she pops off the couch and says she needs to go to the bathroom. As she got up, I had to conceal the erection I was sporting. She comes back from the bathroom and plops down on the couch between us... completely naked.

I'm going to stop here for now to see how A handles this first part. If it's okay, the rest will be posted soon.

Hope you enjoy,

D &: A - pictakersad @ gmail.com

D & A

D & A



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