D & A - 10: Nude Amateurs

Nude Amateurs

Hello Readers,

This is something my wife has wanted us to post for a while. She wanted some pics of us together on the site... so here they are. It's very exciting to make love infront of a camera. This was the first time we ever experienced that. We started taking pictures like we always do, then "A" asked me if we could set the timer and take some together. I figured out how to make the timer work, and jumped in the frame with her. The pics began innocent enough, with me just touching her. It doesn't matter how many pictures we've taken I still love seeing that bare body completely exposed infront of my lens. It drives me absolutely knowing that I can ravage that beautiful model on the other side of the camera. I started running into the frame, forcefully grabbing her, and positioning her the way I wanted.

After a few shots like this, I decided to "feel out" the situation. I set the timer, slid in behind her, moved my hand down into her "area", and placed my finger inside of her just as the camera went off. She was flowing like a river down there! I asked if it was the pictures that were making her wet, she said that it was. A few pictures later we were having sex right there infront of the camera. Mind you, it wasn't taking pictures, but just seeing the tripod and camera there, looming over us was very erotic. Since these pics were taken, we have experimented with new ways to both be infront of the camera. We have been able to capture some actual intercourse, but "A" is a little hesitant to put those online. Those have stayed in our computer, except for the ones we have sent to Kelly and Alan ;) We have also been trading some new media with them lately and believe me, it's been exciting! Let's just say Kelly really knows how to dance!

D &: A - pictakersad @ gmail.com

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