Alaina's Sex Joke - Nude in School Girl Outfit

Nude in School Girl Outfit

Hi Webmaster,

I am a big time joker at home and at work but once or twice I've gone two far. A few weeks ago I teased a young woman co-worker about a 4some with her boyfriend. The reason I did so was because she was incredibly stuck up or 'prudish' and didn't seem to have a sexual bone in her body and I thought it was hilarious to expose her to that kind of talk. Naughty banter passed between us for days {I did not fancy her or him and they were average looking}. Then on Friday all the employees and friends went out in a group with them and they all came back to our place. The rest of the bunch eventually left and I went in the kitchen leaving those two with my husband. When I came back in she was half nude and giving my husband a BJ! I couldn't believe it and I was in shock. My husband looked at me as if to say, "you set this up remember?"

I was so embarrassed and just sat and watched helplessly as she continued to give him what seemed like great head for a long time. Then he reciprocated and she seemed very pleased. Then it dawned on me that I would have to do something too. I didn't really want to but seeing as I set the trap I had to own up so they wouldn't be very upset. I went over to him and gave him manual stimulation and he exploded quickly thank heavens. Then I told everyone I was getting a headache and went to bed. They left and my husband came in with a big smile. The next Monday she spoke to me as if we were best friends and I am just playing along embarrassed hoping nobody at work knew. As 'punishment' my husband asked me to send in my pictures and think about the types of jokes I do next time. He enjoyed himself this time because she was cute but what if he wasn't interested? Then people would be hurt. But ... I told him ... you can't stop a joker! - Alaina

Alaina's Sex Joke

Alaina's Sex Joke

Alaina's Sex Joke

Alaina's Sex Joke

Alaina's Sex Joke


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