My First Lesbian Experience

First Lesbian Experience


I am twenty, and I am seeing a twenty-one-year-old guy. He and his nineteen-year-old sister, Madelyn, live at home with their parents. They are very old fashioned and don't allow us to sleep together at their house. I am always welcomed when I go over to their house, and I feel like one of the family. My dare story involves my boyfriend’s sister. When I stay at their house, I sleep in Madelyn's room in her queen size bed with her. It was probably the fourth or fifth time that I had slept over. We all had been sitting up and talking until about 1:00 am when we all finally went to bed. We were very tired and acting quite silly. Madelyn and I headed to her room, and everyone else went to bed in their rooms. We got ready for bed as usual. We both wore loose-fitting nighties. After the lights went out, I fell asleep right away. I was awakened a little later by the bed moving. I awoke slowly, not making a sound. Then, I finally realized what was going on. Madelyn was masturbating and breathing very hard. I pretended to still be asleep. I gently rolled over and "accidentally" touched Madelyn. She was naked. Well, I started getting very turned on. I had never been in a situation like this before. I wasn't sure if I was ready to have sex with a female at that point, but I was really turned on. When I touched her, she kind of flinched. She stopped and said my name very quietly. I didn't respond because I didn't want her to stop. I felt her start again. Then, she gently reached over and touched my nightie. I gasped a little, and she quickly pulled away. Without thinking I said, "It's okay. I want to try it." So, I stripped off my nightie as quickly as I could. She asked me if I would touch her, and I did. We then had sex. Since then, we have gotten together for pleasure every time I sleep over. My boyfriend still doesn’t know that I am doing his sister. She also has a boyfriend. Madelyn is the only female that I have ever had sex with, and I have no desire to be with any other. I still have sex with my boyfriend, and I really enjoy it, but it is just different with Madelyn. I love her and her brother. -Mandy



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