My Most Erotic Experience
Hi Truth or dare,
Thanks for the site. My husband found it and forwarded it to me while I was working at home. It gave me some ideas and one of them was to send a picture of me to you. But my best story is when I was at at a strip club. Hubby and I got to know the owners and a few of the girls. This is one of those out of the way places but always surprising who you might encounter.
On occasion they have amateur night and Greg and I have kidding about this. He told me I already have the routine as I dance for him.
He was going out of town on business and I told him that I was going one night with the girls to have fun. His response was have a great time.
We arrived in the early evening and the owners wife came over and started asking me to do it. My friends also got into the conversation and I said OK. She took me backstage and two of the girls I knew were sitting around as they would go on later.
They helped me pick out the outfit and gave me a few pointers and said go for it. One told me this was a great time of day and all good guys out front.
So I did. I must say that all the things I have tried at different times in my life this was one of the most erotic times. - Brandy
Everyone's welcome to watch or text chat ... couples games going on looking to perform for tokens.
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