Wife is a Pervert

Wife Laura

Wife is a Pervert



I'm a woman with a healthy sex drive, but my husband kiddingly calls me a female perv. He thinks this because I sneak looks aT guy's bodies all the time just like he peeks at womens' bodies and says I mentally undress every guy I see. He's close to being right. I like imagining what a guy's got in his pants. It doesn't matter if he's big or small I still want to see it :D

When he has friends over, I'm always secretly checking out the eye candy, the asses and the cute bulges in their pants. I've got a way of lowering my eyelids as if I'm just looking down when I'm really zeroing in on a guy's package. I like it too when I catch one of his friends staring at my breasts or trying to look up my dress, makes me so horny.

One of his friends stayed over in the guest room last week and I have to admit the thought of having two men in the house, and their hard cocks, got me thinking about having sex with both of them. I saw the friend in a bathing suit when we all went in our pool and the outline of his cock made me wet and I masturbated thinking about his cock later that day and gave my husband hot sex in bed.

We have a hot-looking neighbor with a nice body who never pulls down his shades at night. Sometimes I peek out my window with the lights off in my room so he won't catch me looking. I throughly enjoy watching that man strip off his clothes. I get so wet and can't wait until he finally pulls off his underpants and his sweet cock swings out.

I've fantasized about going down on him and feeling his cock filling up my pussy and told my husband about it, who uses it in bed to arouse me more and has threatened to let the neighbor have me if I get too naughty. I'd go along with it if my husband made me do it and he knows it, but he's too chicken to take that big a step.

Maybe I am a perv, but I have girlfriends who are like this, and I think more women would be as horny as I am if they'd let their sexuality out more instead of repressing it. So on that note enjoy looking at me while we were vacationing in Europe and I got to let my tits swing free in the wind and I'll enjoy you if you have pics.

Wife Laura - EMAIL ME!!


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