Hey todp fans, This is M (wife)
I have a story to tell and I'm really excited to tell it!! Anyway, we met this couple via email through this website, and we hit it off really well, we've been sending each other pics here and there, we've even sent each other dares to do and send pics to prove it. We've even started texting each other cause its easier. It was always exciting and fun to do. Well, just recently, the wife sent a text to my husband, J, and told him that it was her husband's birthday and wanted us to surprise him by wishing him a happy birthday and send some pics.
So J forwards the text to me cause he was working late that night and he told me to do the birthday pic text. Well, I have to be honest, I hesitated. But with my husband's gentle insistence (begging ; )) and excitement we had a deal, he said he would let me post one of my favorite pics of him if I agreed to post this story with the pics.
So, here are some of the pics that I made for the birthday boy and I have to admit it was fun and exciting to do. Enjoy!
Let us know if you like!