Thanks for all your emails. Syd picked out these latest photos from our ever growing collection. He wants me to tell you about how much I enjoy the shower :-) Syd and I live many towns apart and don't get to see each other every night. We are still in constant contact and he drives me wild on a constant basis!
Many mornings I tell him it is time for me to shower. I get in the shower, do my chores and then I lay down and let the water run over my body. I love to feel the shower hit my nipples. I imagine many different ways of making love to Syd. Sometimes simple love making. Sometimes, wild stuff like him having total control. I then slowly move my body toward the spout and shift from shower to bath. The water hits my clit and I tighten my muscles as the water flows over me. I always imagine Syd's hands on my breast as I stroke my nipples. When I cum it usually brings me to squirt. He always excites me so much.
These photos he watched as I used the water pressure to bring me to pleasure and captured it for our memories forever. Its amazing to have such a wonderful lover and a free love. Want to join us?
Keep those emails and photos cumming!!
Syd and Nancy
sydandnancy69 @ gmail.com