SassyAss - 9


Hey Everyone!!

Well, I finally got her to do one of the more daring dares that we've got on the "Dares to Do" list!! We traveled to New Orleans for Halloween weekend to party it up and have some fun in the Big Easy...and did we ever! The first couple of pics (genie costume) is what Sassy wore out as we hit some street parties around the city and some bars on Bourbon St. I was in the front passenger seat of the cab and she sat behind me. As you can see...short skirt w/ no panties, no bra and only some thin white costume fabric covering those beautiful breasts!! The driver was definitely looking in the rear view mirror as she posed for the two shots...and I was only too happy to show him the pics after I took them to see what he thought. It was awesome being able to watch her all night and see all the guys that were constantly checking her out.

After retiring back to the hotel room about 3am, we realized how thirsty we were and how much we were craving some non-alcoholic, cold drinks. It was also a great excuse for me to suggest that she wear the referee costume (remaining pics) while we went to the store. The hotel only had vending machines and we had no change...bummer! The ref costume that she has is one of my favorites...the skirt is extremely short and it zips nearly all the way down in the front. Since it was so late and pretty chilly, I suggested a cab ride to the closest open convenience store...and to my complete delight, she agreed!! One of my requirements in regards to the cab is that it has to be a mini-van type...this way there is a clear, unobstructed view from the front to the back. I took the seat behind the driver and she was next to me in the seat on the passenger side. We told the driver where we wanted to go, and then I mentioned that I was going to take some pictures of my wife in his cab. He did not argue, so I broke out the camera and started snapping. We took some pics on the way to the store and I got her to take off her crotchless panties for some pics on the way back to the hotel...the cabbie was nice enough to wait for us while we were in the store...I wonder why?!?! We even got a couple shots with the driver...when I suggested she get up closer to the front for a shot, he wasted no time in leaning in and sucking on her nipple. The whole situation was extremely exciting for both of us...she was dripping wet in the cab (I checked, and yes the cabbie saw me check) and I nearly lost it just seeing my wife show herself off. At one point, the driver turned and asked if he could take a picture on his phone...and Sassy, without any hesitation, said yes, parted her legs a little bit more, and gave him a great pose. It was an awesome, awesome night, and I can't wait for the next similar opportunity to present itself!!!

sassyass2525 @










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