Hey Everyone!!
We're back for a little more action. It's still such a rush posting pics for anybody and everybody to see, and we both really love getting all the responses and comments from people who are so lucky to be involved in this website!
The construction site pics from the last posting seemed to be pretty popular, and since we've got houses going up around us everyday, we figured we'd take advantage of the situation. Even though it's night time, it's still very exciting having my hot ass wife walking down the street in her sexy clothes (or lack thereof) to the house of the week, not knowing if someone is going to drive by or come out. I'm a lucky guy!
Enjoy the pics, keep the good suggestions and comments coming...we're still trying to work on a few we got from the last post, and we're enjoying every minute of it!!
Comments and/or additional dare ideas welcome at sassyass2525 @ yahoo.com
Put SassyAss25 in the subject line!!
