Hi Webmaster,
Thanks for all the feedback everyone michelle loves all the positive comments:).
However due to one comment however positive, I must admit that in my haste to post before michelle changed her mind, i neglected to tell the "rest of the story". so here goes...
We were waiting for a load in jonesboro arkansas with not alot to do. michelle was sleeping as she had been driving all night and i was just staring out the window. i noticed this girl wandering around the parking lot and in the store. after a while she walked past the truck and i started talking to her. turned out she was needing gas money to get home to michigan to see her family... being the perv i am i offered her some cash to pose nude for me. she said she was more than willing but needed alot more than i was offering. i told her michelle was bi but very tired, she asked if i would fill her tank if she could get michelle off.. game on... i told michelle i was gonna take some pics of this chick, she was cool with it, so in the truck she went, and immediately started hitting on michelle. turned out they hit it off instantly and for the next hour we had a blast! in the end, we all got off, she got a full tank of gas and i get to share these wonderful memories with all of you ;D
Hope you all enjoy and keep the great feedback coming... any ideas for more dares are welcome too
sixxxty9isfine2001 @ yahoo.com
Thx Rich n Michelle xoxox