Libby - 5


Hi Webmaster,

I wanted to surprise Ricky with a group of dare pics so I got my own email. He's also going to be surprised because he didn't take them!

Here's the story--After my last batch of naked in the water pictures, one of my fans dared me to be naked on the beach, where I couldn't hide if someone walked by. I started thinking about it...which always makes me excited. But, my vacation was over and I wasn't going near another beach for a while.

As luck would have it, last weekend, I got the opportunity I wanted when I got added to the list of coworkers going to a conference near the coast. I thought, "This will be great, and Ricky always loves taking pictures of me naked." But, he had to work and couldn't go with me.

While I was at the conference, which was boring by the way, I tried to think of some other way to get the pics. By Sunday afternoon, I couldn't take any more boring speakers and left the hall for a drink at the hotel bar. Still thinking, I didn't notice when a guy from the office next to mine sat down and we started talking about how we had just wasted a good weekend. After a few more drinks, I was feeling pretty giddy and blurted out, "Let's go to the beach!" Of course, he was game (I think he always wanted to see me in a bikini).

After 45 minutes on the road, including a stop for beer, we finally arrived at the beach. We sat on an old towel from the back of my car, soaking in the sun and laughing about our boss. We were having a great time talking, and, well OK, well maybe I flirted a little too.

Finally, I got my nerve up and asked him if he would mind taking some pictures of me for Ricky. I gave him my little camera from my purse and he jumped up and started snapping. I love modelling, and as I rolled from my back, to my side, and over to my stomach, he loved it too, especially as the moves got more seductive. I know on one position my nipple slipped out, but I pretended not to notice.

We were almost done, and I thought, well, now or never! I looked up and down the beach, didn't see to many people, and took off my top. I let him take a few more shots, just long enough for him to think this was the end, when I arched my back and slipped off my bottoms too!

What you see here is the best of the naked ones. And, for my fan, only one person walked by (was it you?). Lucky for them, but too bad for anyone else. Hope you like them...especially you, Ricky.

Libby - libby195712 @










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