Hot Wife - 52

Trying on a Dress Dare


This is a dare we have talked about for a while and I think Sunshine decided to do it just for me. The dare was to try on some dresses and then ask the guy to check her out completely naked to find the best dress for her body type. She was really nervous and turned on at the same time.

There is a formal dress store where the owner is also the tailor. We've been in there before checking it out and saw that the guy was pretty nice. So Sunshine went into the dressing room and got completely naked. The first dress she tried on she came out of the dressing room with it half way on saying the zipper was stuck. When she turned for his help her bare ass was completely showing.

It was all I could do to keep from laughing. (I wasn't able to get a picture of that) The owner had a giant grin on his face as he walked away. So Sunshine keep trying on dresses.

These dresses had plunging necklines and zippers that went well below the waist. So when the zippers were open you can see her naked body under the dress. With each dress she came out of the dressing room for help with the zippers and snaps. Once he realized I didn't mind him "helping" the guy would run to her as soon as she came out of the dressing room.

We finally asked the guy to just "take a good look at her naked" so he could recommend the best dress for her. He played it really professional as he commented on her shape but it was easy to see he was enjoying the show. After that she just left the door open. The owner positioned himself where he could get a good look at her changing. A few people started coming in so we had to end the fun.

I'm sure that store owner gave it to his wife pretty good that night - lol I know I did.

We would love to hear your thoughts and stories of your adventures.

btw - the last two pictures are to make up for the shots I missed during the dare.

Until next time, Happy Daring!

John & Sunshine - sunshinedares @

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