Hot Wife - 25

Hot Wife

Hello TorDpics Fans,

We are still having fun teasing the waiters at the diner. In a previous post we were trying to see if we could get a response from our favorite waiter. He is so cool we decided we had to turn up the heat (Pun intended – lol)

This time Sunshine wore a really loose fitting jacket with nothing on underneath. We checked it out at home to determine the best position so someone standing could clearly see her breast. When we got there we were greeted by the waiter we wanted, but our usual booth was taken so were seated in another section. As it turned out we sat at our second favorite person’s table a friendly young woman whom we have talked with on several occasions. So Sunshine adjusted her jacket before she came to the table.

Although we were ready to order we only gave her our drink order just so she would have to come back. It was obvious that she noticed, but she only allowed her eyes to linger for a moment. She walked away with a smile and we had a good laugh. We started to question whether she really saw or was it just our excitement about the dare. When the waitress came back she tried hard not to look down – a definite indicator she saw and was trying not to be obvious. After she left Sunshine shifted her top again so that even more was showing. When the waitress came back again she lingered for awhile and stated how beautiful Sunshine was. My wife is undoubtedly a very beautiful woman, but this waitress has never mentioned it before so we both thought that was code for “You have great tits.” – LOL When she gave us the check Sunshine caught her looking as she walked away with a huge grin and a thank you.

The first picture is from another time just so you can see the setting and the others are what the waitress saw from a standing position.

Next time we hope we get the guy. We are determined to get a RISE out of him.

As always your comments are welcome

Keep Daring,

John & Sunshine - sunshinedares @

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