I was out of town working for a week and my husband decided to drive down and pick me up so we could spend the weekend together in Edmonton. He arrived on a Friday night at the hotel I was staying,it was still early so we went to the pub in my hotel to have a few drinks. Needless to say I had missed him all week so we were getting pretty frisky in the bar after a few drinks. I was so horny; I was wearing a white mini skirt and purple shirt that just showed my belly piercing a little. After about an hour my husband had already ripped out the crotch to my nylons so he could get at my wet pussy. He had a hard time keeping his hands off me but I wasn't gonna say no even in public cause it was making me pretty hot.
HE then dared me to got to the ladies room and take my thong off and stay that way for the rest of the night. At first I was a little apprehensive but I was feeling no pain after a few drinks and horny as hell so I said what the fuck I'll do it. I left him at the table went to the washroom and removed my panties but I put my nylons back on just to get a rise out of him. I LOVE TO TEASE MY MAN.
When I got back to the table I could see the disappointment in his eyes when he saw me still wearing my nylons. I quickly smiled and threw my thong at him from about 5 feet from the table. He grabbed it and with a big smile he set them on the table like a trophy he had just won. I just laughed until a group of guys walked by and saw my panties on the table. And wouldn't you know it they found a table beside ours.
For the rest of the night my husband I laughed and drank, between him ripping the hole in my nylons bigger and fingering me while the whole time the next table was trying to see what was going on (thank goodness for the long table cloth.) I was getting SO hot thinking about these guys staring at me while my husband was working my pussy with his fingers. We stayed there for about an hour after our new friends arrived before we decided to go to our room for some hot steamy sex.
As we were getting up to leave my husband said give them a good show before we leave. So I slid out of the booth and sat on the edge with my legs spread giving everyone at the table a good view at my dripping wet pussy as I pretended to talk to my husband. NOt realizing I also gave the bar maid good look too. As we were playing our bill the last thing she said to us was THAT LOOKS VERY NICE. My cheeks went a little pink.
That one comment almost made my husband cum in his pants and I was smiling to myself just thinkin about it. Walking back to our room we walked by the conference rooms and then the bathrooms. I could not wait any longer I drug my husband in the ladies room and went into the stall where a pulled my husband's cock out and sucked his nice hard shaft until he blew his load all over my face. HE then picked me up and fucked we from behind like a madman. He was saying this is what you get for being a little tease and I loved everyone second of it(feeling like a dirty little girl). We fucked for at least 20 minutes and at one point he had me pinned to the wall as he pushed my skirt up and grasped my heel so my one leg was up as he pushed his way up inside my thigh as the janitor came in. We quickly straightened ourselves up and ran out of the washroom giggling all the way to our room. The janitor had froze with that "deer in headlights" look as we ran past him.
We got back to the room had crazy sex for the rest of the night. The next morning we were packing up and my husband asked where my nylons so I could wear them again. I told him I left them in the washroom with my panties so the janitor could have a trophy TOO. LOL!
Please post email at alison.wonderland @ hotmail.com

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