Crissy - 4


Hey Webmaster,

I thought that i would share a dare of mine that my hubby had me do....

Well there is a lets say (professional person) that comes to our house for reasons for our offspring, she has been coming to our house for a year now she is very sexy and attractive. Now i have become friends with her over this time, so i want to let her know how i like her and see if maybe she would join us in the bedroom, however i don't want her to be offended and stop coming so j (my hubby) had the idea of me flashing her my tits (accidentally on purpose). so i finally did about 4 weeks ago. she smiled and said oh my very nice. and turned all red in the face. and i played it off that i didn't mean to do it. so that night i told j about it and then he dared me to flash her my pussy so the next time i wore a skirt no panties just like the previous post and again she came to the house only to my surprise she wore a low cut top and flashed me her inviting cleavage...and her nipples were very hard begging for my mouth and she sat facing me and i spread my legs enough for her to see and she smiled again and kept looking trying not to make it obvious though so this caused my pussy to become very wet and i had to fight the urge to just start playing with my pussy right there in front of later that evening when i told j about it we both got so turned on thinking about her that we had amazing sex while we both fantasized about being with her. well this week she came again only to amaze me she had a skirt on herself and sat in front of me again this time she flashed me her Lacy yellow panties. i wanted so badly to crawl over to her and pull her panties over to the side and taste and feel her sweet pussy! i didn't get any pics of me flashing her ........however i did do a dare of me in the shower and i did take 2pics that was requsted also a more daring pose for myself that shows more of me! maybe if we get enough good feed back i will show even more next time....................i hope everyone enjoys them. ...............i also want to say great pics to naughty couple i am glad to see there are guys out there too.......... guys you need to get the nerve to post some pics as well!

nccpl7578 @

Crissy & J







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