
Naked Girlfriend Dare

Exhibitionist Girl Dare


I'm J, this is my gf T. Our friend R turned us on to your site. Whenever R visits, and often on our own, we visit your site and I tell T that she would get fantastic responses if we posted her pictures because of her perky tits and great ass. Despite our enjoyment of your content, T has been hesitant to follow through on posting pictures until we read Jackie’s Fun Weekend Dare and she was inspired to share our story.

A while back R stopped by, we had a few drinks, and T must have been feeling frisky because she suggested looking at the list of dares on your site. T and I have discussed what we we’d want to try, but T wanted R’s opinion of what we should do as a first dare. R challenged her to the "have someone other than your BF take pictures of you" dare. (I should add that R has not been shy about leering at T’s figure and T gets excited teasing him).

R said he didn't consider the dare complete until T put on something sexy, since she was wearing a thin shirt and short shorts at the time. So T changed and called down the hall that she was ready when we were. R took our camera to the bedroom, and after a commercial break, I followed him. When I looked through the door, I saw T naked on the bed, giving R a hell of a blowjob and R happily taking pictures! I was more than a little shocked, but when T saw me, she got on her hands and knees and spread herself open, inviting me in, while at the same time keeping her face in R’s lap. I couldn't resist such an invitation, so I grabbed T's hips and joined the fun. R left shortly there after, I think he felt left out, but T and I enjoyed the rest of the evening!

Afterward, we went through the pictures and noticed that somewhere along the way R forgot about the camera, though thats probably for the best.....

I'll let T try to explain how the dare escalated.....

Hi, T here, I hope you enjoy this post, I'm still nervous sending pictures. So the dare started “innocently enough", if such a thing is possible, I put on my blue lingerie, not expecting anything more than to let R snap a few pictures. I started striking some poses and somehow "a few pictures" became a game of one-up-manship... R challenged me to get on the bed and give him a naughty look, so I decided to go one better and flash him my pussy through my panties; its no secret that he's wanted to sleep with me for months; and I thought it would be a good end to the dare... Instead of clamming up and staring like I expected, R said I should pose on my hands and knees, so he could see my ass through material . After that, I spread out on the bed and pulled the top of my panties down, teasing him with some skin; and R one-upped me! He pulled the top of my shirt down and took a picture of my tits. I couldn't be out done, so I rolled my exposed nipple between my fingers until it was hard and told him should get a good picture if he wanted one.

The game of chicken escalated from there until R pulled my panties aside and took a picture of my shaved pussy! After that I sorta snapped and became driven to pull the ultimate one-up! I told R that if he wanted to see me naked, all he had to do was say so, and stripped off my outfit, letting him take all the pictures he wanted, it was our camera, he wasn't going to be able to keep them! Thinking I had gotten the best of him, I stood there naked and challenged him to top that! And he did! He cheated! He knew my breasts are very sensitive, so he roughly tweeked my nipple! I was already turned on, but his stunt sent me over the top. I'm not sure what happened after that, but eventually the only thing I could think of was to suck him off, he'd never be able to one-up that! I pushed R on the bed and went to work, I was gona make him blink first! I remember the look of want in R's eyes gave me a chill and my pussy started aching! It occurred to me that I might have to one-up myself and fuck R; I didn’t think I could delay gratification until he left and I could jump J. Thankfully J walked in to check on us. His jaw hit the floor when he saw us, but I was to committed to stop…I wasn’t about to let R think I was chickening out! Anyway, J already told you that he took care of my need in a BIG way and fulfilled one of our fantasies. We have talked about a three way before, but I was always afraid it would be awkward, HA, was I wrong! That night was fantastic! After R left, we couldn't let go of each other and had to skip work just to recover. And best of all, I think I won R's challenge since I got the last one-up on R. What do you think??

tandjfun4you @ yahoo.com

Dare 1 Dare 2














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