Boobs and Stomach Dare
We received so many responses. Everyone is so supportive we had to share some more. While we are trying to catch up to all the dare challenges sent to us here's a dare we did just for each other. We'll just call it "boobs and stomach self-portrait." While I was away at work over the last month or two I would send Staci messages challenging her to send me a pic of herself that I could beat-off to or in some cases share with the guy sitting at the bar next to me. I love showing people pictures of her tits. So many people can't believe they're real; she's started demanding that people feel them to prove it. I also love the line of muscle down the middle of her stomach. She's the perfect blend of athletic and curves. She even got a little fancy on me and busted out the tripod to take pics of her in my favorite article of clothing, knee high socks! I love how she looks in those and one of my favorite positions is fucking her with her legs in the air while she rubs the smooth socks on my chest, arms and face. I know some of these are taken with her phone via the dreaded mirror shot but I think they are well worth it. We promise to try to take more pics with our fancy camera instead of our iphones. :)
More to come! Thanks for all the feedback and keep it coming.
Rob and Staci
eroticonsix @
