"Sex with a Stranger Dare"

Pixie 11

Many Years Ago


TheDoctor - Pixie has been dared to have "stranger" sex. It took us a while to arrange online but in this case id say it was better late than never, I was on hand of course to record the moment and I can assure you she had a great night, and still managed to look cute, how does she do it?

I still get butterflies when I see the pics, and it was a HARD job choosing which ones to post here? His face has been blocked to protect the guilty english "gentleman" lol

PIXIE - So, the Dr had been chatting to this guy on the internet for a few days, he asked where we lived then realized he was in our town the following weekend to do a bit of surfing. He had his wife with him so it was touch and go whether we could arrange a meet. I personally had only actually exchanged a handfull of words, which were mostly messages asking if Dr had told me he was visiting our town.

So it got to Sunday and we were unable to meet him during the day so Dr invited him round for Coffee. He came round and we just chatted, he sat kinda close and lighty touched my leg, not pushing anything as I was really nervous and it obviously showed. Anyway it turned out he was around until wednesday so he managed to get some time to come and visit us again on tuesday.

I was very unsure but agreed to a chat with some touchy feely stuff, and was really unsure as to whether I wanted a sexual encounter with a guy I had only spoken to for around 2 hours... well as you can see it turned into a rather good sexual encounter.

I felt nervous and embarrassed and uncomfortable to start with, but soon relaxed as he undressed me and licked my pussy then he took his shorts off and all I thought was Oh My God, I'm never guna be able to take that. So I started sucking and he got harder and harder and I took as much as I could in my mouth.

Eventually I asked Dr if we could fuck and things went from there. I started by sitting on his cock, and it filled me up, I was facing Dr but couldn't bring myself to look at him but at the same time I was wishing I had another cock to suck . As we went on and switched positions he took me deep via doggy style and it was so deep that I had to push against him to try to stop him going so deep as it was starting to hurt but he kept going... I felt good knowing that Dr was watching me being used by another guy. after around 30 mins of this, we stopped and I laid out and he knelt over me with his cock at face level. I wanked him fast and he came on my face and chest, this was the most humiliating part for me, but I still managed a slight smile at the end.

It felt really good to finally be used by another guy in front of Dr and I could tell that it turned him on. Which was proven later when he took me to bed and after sucking his cock, he went down on me then fucked me hard, still able to smell the guys cum on my skin. This made him fuck me harder and turned him on loads.

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TheDoctor and Pixie - EMAIL ME!!
darepixie@hotmail.co.uk or pixie0511@hotmail.com

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