First of all, we want to say thank you to everyone that responded to Jessica's first post. She was nervous about posting herself online but after all the very positive comments from everyone, she has decided to allow me to take more pics. She actually helped me come up with the ideas for the poses. She has really been letting her inhibitions go lately and it is the most exciting time in our marriage. I knew all along that she was a very sexy woman, now as I watch her become more sure of herself and believe that she is sexy, I get so turned on and excited I can hardly contain myself. She blows me away when she allows herself to just let go and enjoy the moment. All of the positive feedback from the fans of this site are doing a wonderful job of helping me prove to her that she really is a sex icon. As I type this she is reading over my shoulder and immediately says, "I don't think so" when she read that I think she is a sex icon. Maybe you guys and gals can help me convince her otherwise??? Any dare challenges would be welcome as well as your feedback.
Oh, I also included a pic of myself as well. I'm sure it won't get the kind of feedback that Jessica's amazing body gets, but I put myself out there none the less.
Our email address is rickandjessicastone @ gmail.com
Rick and Jessica