We loved reading all your emails that you sent to us, thank you for being so positive towards F. She was so happy to read all your comments that she even pulled out the camera the day the emails started rolling in to get me up to take some more.
As a result we were in a BnB down south of France and we decided a few good pictures of F in the window would be a good start. Couple more taken whilst we were having fun and F was soaking wet.
In Spain we managed to take a couple more pics in the hostel at night after having a good pub crawl. F took up my suggestion to not wear any undies and it had me going all night till we finally got some alone time and she threw me the camera.
Hope you guys enjoy the pics as much as I did taking them and F did being in them ;) as always we look forward to some feed back, suggestions and what ever.
A and F xx
youngdarecouple @ gmail.com