Here are a few pics V. Anyone live near Orange County, NY? Here's one of our stories. Once when travelling down I-86 my wife V decided that we should have sex in a public place. There was a rest area coming up and V said we should go there. I said men's or women's. She said women's. We both went in and straight to a stall. She pulled up her skirt and I began to take her from behind. At the same time a women came in to pee right next to us. We slowed the pace so she wouldn't hear, but I think she knew what was going on because she giggled to herself as she left. I then continued until I came right inside V. We then left the bathroom and there were 5 bikers sitting there with smiles on their faces; I think one was the girl in the other stall. We were embarrased, but loved every second!
e-mail: bikers414 @ yahoo.com