Webmaster and TODP fans!!!
Sorry for the gap in time since our last post
and the unanswered emails for a while. Unfortunately we had some health problems that we had to deal with for a while. And some personal/professional life changes in the works at the moment.
But aside from that, K is gaining some more confidence from the positive feedback here and she's wanting to post a bit more and see what everyone thinks. We've had quite the number of requests to see more of her from the pool pictures....
So in the spirit of raunchy fun, here is more of K relaxing in the pool
with a lot less fabric in the way and letting the girls get some sun!
Hope everyone enjoys the view and was worth the wait! I love having her naked or topless
outside and seeing her nipples rock hard; so hope you all do too!!!
Everybody seemed to like her blue jewelry last time, so she added a couple more of it for everybody.
And she was wondering what makes a better drink holder? Her boobs
like last time or her thighs this time?
We would love to have good lookin fun folks join us and really amp up the fun so K can experience the fun of more than 1 person!
Feel free to email us.
We respond to the emails the best we can with everything going on.
Smokin DK -