So... even though our nice, long, vacation is not yet over I've already learned a few things I will share later with those pics. One of those things needs shared right now however. My hubby tells me he needs me to make up my mind about something important before he prepares what he wants to send in when vacation is over.
He says folks will really enjoy seeing the pictures much more if my face isn't fuzzed out all the time. I'm not so sure. It seems to be a pretty big thing to me to do that. After all I told him I'm pretty sure that's not what everyone is really looking at anyhow. He disagrees. Which brings us to why we sent these pics in.
In the spirit of things that caused our first submission we've decided to let the viewers decide for me. I've let him go all the way, place an I Love TODP sign on me, and make a dare challenge picture of me going all the way just in case.
If you agree with him and want to see it, these pics and all the rest unfuzzed just email us and let us know. I'm going to take some serious convincing though. I will need to see no less than two dozen emails requesting it in the week after these post or we'll just go on as we have been.
In any case I hope you enjoy these while we wait for vacation to end and see what pics it brings. As always suggestions for what you think might ought to be done with me are welcome.
Deaux -