My wife and I did our first ever post on ToDP on Feb 10th. The purpose of that dare was to prove to my wife that she was neither dumpy nor unattractive (her words ... not mine !) at the age of 55. It was our first time on any website and hence we were unsure what we would get back.
Well, to those who responded, thank you a million times for your nice and complimentary comments ! My wife was too embarrassed to read the emails herself. Instead I sat her down on Saturday morning and over a coffee I shared with her a summary of the responses. She was taken aback ! Although still unsure and and a little embarassed, I could tell she was intrigued.
So we discussed it a lot over the weekend and the good news is that (for those who asked to see more photos) I persuaded her to let me share 6 more photos.
I hope you like them. Once again comments are welcome.
Thanks again.
BB -