Wife B - 1

Wife Dares


I know it's been a long time, almost a year in fact, and unfortunately I don't have a long story like the last time. But the wife and I went to Hedo 3 for our anniversary and had a blast. We were planning next year's trip in the line at the airport prepping to leave Jamaica. Anyway while we were there we met this really cute woman and her mother, we'll call our friend M. We met them about 2 days before our departure date :( and had a lot of fun, though nothing above heavy flirting. I think if we had had more time there would have at least been some games, but unfortunately it was not to be. We've kept in touch with her though via email since we came home, and in one note I told her about this site and told her to check it out, and that if she could recognize my wife in our past post, that she would get an extra treat.

I have also encouraged her to post as well, as she has a beautiful figure, though I haven't seen her on here yet. I promised her a hint, so if she is still checking the site, the old post was this same month last year, or maybe it was June, can't quite remember. Anyway, for those that like a free lifestyle where the most pressure you have to deal with is the activity coordinator trying to get you and all your naked buddies to participate in a competition for prizes (normally booze, the wife and I brought home 4 bottles of Appleton Rum), or deciding whether you want to bother with getting dressed enough to go to the main restaurants and eat, or just grab something from the nude grill, I strongly recommend hedo. We packed one roll-on a couple of changes of clothes, toys, and accessories and that was too many clothes! Next time we'll pack a set for traveling, and the rest of the room will be used for goodies for the various theme nights. No pics from that time as they don't allow photography anywhere that we spent the majority of our time, and it is hard to sneak in a camera when you are naked.

I remember that I explained last time, that I only got to do stuff like this if I won a bet. Well this time let's just say that one night I had her hot enough, and was doing my job well enough, that I was able to coerce her into letting me post again. Anyway, enjoy the pics, and webmaster, feel free to post this email as well, always welcome comments.

~J     ichliebe269 @ aol.com

Wife Dares

Wife Dares

Wife Dares



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