Just a little flashing around town. We were coming home from the store when Hubby dared me to make things a little more interesting. I stripped down my shirt and drove home the rest of the way with my top open and down.
The stop lights about drove me crazy! I was sure everyone could see. I know at least one guy got a real good look since he pulled up right next to us. I thought he was going to fall out of his seat trying to look back and forth around the passenger seat!
Thank you all for all your great emails and comments. We are putting together a list of dares that we'll do soon. We'll try to get some of them made and sent in for you. I even have a couple of friends who said they'll join me for some pics.
Hopefully it will warm up soon or I'll freeze my nipples off! Once it warms up I can get some a lot more outside pics.
Love you all!
ALL OUR DARES + Dare Challenge
Texas Naked Lady -