Opportunities for adventure have been few and far between, but there's fun on the horizon!
We've discovered there's a local 'spa' which we think may have more to it :) We're going to check it out in a couple of weekends' time.
We've also made some contact with a few people online who are local to us, but it's tricky to organise making the next step and actually meeting up. Watch this space though. We got invited to one party, but didn't see the message in time (gutted!) - it sounded a perfect opportunity. Nevermind, hopefully there will be others:)
Thank you for all your lovely messages following our first post, they were a real thrill.
For now, here's a few photos from last night in anticipation of more adventure. We hope you like:)
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Find us on AFF: hedonisticas
Hedonisticas -