Exposed in Public - 1

Exposed in Public

Hello again everyone,

This story takes place this past summer when a few friends, my boyfriend and myself were playing a game of truth or dare. First of all, my name is Carrie and I'm 20. One night this past summer, a group of friends decided to play a game of truth or dare while we were drinking. There were 5 of us: me, my boyfriend, and our friends Steph, Darren, and Theo. We all took a few pieces of paper and wrote down a few dares and truths and tossed them in a bag. We went around the circle and picked dares.

***A side note, I'm a very cheap drunk and liquor makes my clothes come off very easily.

One of my first turns I received the dare "exchange an item of clothing with the person of your choice". I was wearing a black lacy tank top, with a beige bra, jeans and black bikini panties. So I pretty had to expose either my bra or underwear in front of everyone. So I decided to exchange tops with Steph. We both took off our tops and put the other's on. Steph was wearing a black bra and had pretty big boobs for such a slim girl. I must say it was really exciting even exposing my bra in front of our friends, especially with my boyfriend there. However, little did I know how far we would go that night.

Later, I received dares to kiss pretty much everyone in the room as my boyfriend watched me kiss some of his friends. Soon after I got the dare to remove my bottoms. I really didn't want everyone to see me in my panties but they all pressured me into taking my pants off, even my boyfriend said "a dare is a dare". And so, with a little help from alcohol I unbuttoned my jeans, and reluctantly slid down the zipper and stopped again to protest. The group then kept hounding me, so I slowly pulled my pants off in front of everyone. I was pantless wearing a black lacy tank top and my black bikini panties. I actually turned me on a lot.

My boyfriend friend Theo was sitting next to me and he got a dare that said "put your hand down the front of the person to your right's pants". This one I thought was going too far. Theo asked my boyfriend if it was ok and said he wouldn't if we didn't agree. My boyfriend really didn't want him too, especially since I was just wearing panties but agreed. I was soo embarrassed at this point. So Theo slid his hand into my panties for the round. It was so exciting having another guy feel my pussy with my boyfriend right there getting jealous.

After this, things didn't really improve for me. My next dare was "take off whatever bottoms you have left". I had to take off my panties! I protested this one to no end and to no avail. So, again, slowly I slid down my panties and everyone saw my pussy. I was so turned on at this point that I was scared that everyone would notice how wet I was.

And so, the game went on from there for a short period of time but nothing else was too note worthy. So within an hour, my friend saw me in my bra, I french kissed each of them, they all saw me take off my pants and saw my black panties, another guy had his hand down the front of my panties and everyone saw me take off my panties and stand their nude from the waist down. After everyone left, my boyfriend and I were incredibly horny and had a lot of energetic sex. I came a lot that night!

Attached is a pic of the bra I was wearing, another pic with the panties I had on, and a pic of me in some sexy lingerie just for fun.

Carrie - @

Exposed in Public

Exposed in Public





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