Other Options:
1- Be a Chippendale dancer for a night!
Your dare is to give 2 or more women a nice strip show. You can have your gf or wife as one of the women but you must have at least one other woman there for the show. You will need to send in a pic with you and 2 other women in it. All faces shown.
2- Place a classified ad in your local paper
For this dare you will place a cheap classified ad in your local alternative paper, shopper or any other that has a personals section. Your ad will say this, "Wanted: Women to receive or give an erotic massage. Will pay you $50. Contact via email at email@aol.com"
When someone responds to your email address you will tell them about this site and show them the link to this page. You will ask her if she minds being photographed from behind while getting the massage - so her face isn't showing if she doesn't want to - and to have that pic posted here. As proof you will send in her pic plus a scan of your local ad. Your email address in the ad 'must' match the one you use to send me the submission. **There is a guy who does this in my city for the fun of it and pays $60. His ad has been there for 3 years now.
3- Tied Up Husband
Tie your husband's hands behind his back and then see, in a public
place, how many women will put the hands into his trousers. Take this
a step further and invite them to undo them and pull them down. Take pics then send them here. All faces shown.
4- You and 1 other female (or more).
You can be totally nude and send your dare in. Just have one other female (or more) smiling in the picture with you (she can be fully clothed or nude). Write up the dare telling us who you both are and how the dare went (did you lose a bet, who is she).
*** If it's just one other female she can't be your partner. If it's more than one then she CAN be part of it. All faces shown.