Well here it is. I finally did it. Picked my favorite place in all the woods, we sampled several before winter settled in. And then there was the lockdown, but now people are starting to come out and it's spring so rather than wait much longer I thought I'd send these in to make it “official” and earn my number, 4 by beating my other neighbor to it. Still a little cool outside but rather than wait for warmer weather later I guess sringtime got my juices flowing. My Stag sure did anyway and I certainly got to feeling really good in the process of making them! It's a nice way to warm up. I can't wait to see her when she checks TODP next.
This set of pics doesn't have our Stag fully mounting me, (as he certainly can and does! He's been keeping us all well serviced), since I chose this setting because I like it but the footing is too treacherous for him to do that to me here. I guess I'll leave that pic to my neighbor to show when she chooses to post later and become Hind-5.
Hope you enjoy, I sure did, and please let me know if you did too.
P.S. Have yet to see any pics from you other folks on TODP having your Stag mount you fully, or for that matter if you're really frisky, the fun Hind-2 and Hind-3 got up to together in our last post here. I've tried it with Hind-5 (if she ever posts) and it's kinda neat. Anyhow I hereby dare you to try either or both and show us all.
Stag Spice -