Sex Talk

Sex Talk


I hope I'm sending this correctly. You should have a picture of me (sorry it's the only one I have for now) without bottoms on. I was getting ready and my boyfriend at the time told me to pose sexily and that's my first and only racey picture. My story though is more fun:

I started work as a reservation agent for a well known (and will leave un-named as I need the job now) car rental company about 6 months ago. I was so amused by my first "perv calls" that veteran agents would ask,"Have you had the wrestling guy? or the foot guy? or the spelling guy?"

OMG these are guys that get off just discussing certain topics with girls. One always said the same damn thing and would lead to wrestling. Another wanted to know what kind of underwear we wore or shoes. I always said it would be fun to play along to tease a bit but that would be inappropriate behaviour. Of course I'm just saying. We always advised these guys that we were terminating the call and disconnecting. That was procedure. Yeah procedure 32.a in section 2Q of the company manual; "How to avoid phone perverts" just kidding.

Anyway one day I decided to use the most sultry voice I could muster in hopes of getting one of these guys so I could "follow procedure" in my sultry voice (I'm so bad) I got a few and they kept hanging up on others and dialing back in to get to me! the group I was sitting with were cracking up and it was hard to keep a straight face let alone a sultry voice. Then this call came in:

Hi, thank you for calling blah blah, this is Roxanne speaking, how may I help you? in my most sultry voice.

Hi Roxanne, you have a beautiful voice - I need to make a few reservations. His voice is slightly husky.

Certainly sir, where would you be picking up and dropping off the car?

Nashville airport please - I really like your voice, Roxanne. He sounds a little breathless - I can tell what he's doing while answering my questions.

What are your dates and times for pick up and return sir?

He gives me dates and times.

Roxanne - do you have to wear uniforms there.

No sir we wear what we like, what size car would you like?

Full size, Roxanne. You have a very sexy voice to match your name, is that your real name, Roxanne?

Thank you sir yes it is.

I quote that rate and ask " would you like me to hold that for you, sir? He lets out a small moan at the word hold. he gulps, Yes please.

I take his name and details and he rents 3 more cars all with similar dates and times - I can tell he's getting closer and closer to cumming as it gets more obvious what he's doing.

I keep it professional but make my voice as lusty as I can. Finally I let him know I have to terminate the call (it is too obvious for anyone to not know what he is up to and I could be monitored).

He thanks me dearly.

My pleasure Mr. Smith, Thank you for calling blah blah and have a nice day.

A few minutes after we hung up and the guys all finsihed joking with me, I found myself a little aroused by all that too. I went for my break and masturbated in the ladies room which is something I have NEVER ever done at work before. It felt so sexy! Also, he had such a sexy voice himself and nothing turns me on more then turning on someone else. I got home and told my then bf the story and he didn't react much but just smiled. I was relieved as I thought he may take it as cheating. - Roxanne



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