"Meeting up with a Lucky Fan"

Lynn & Buck - 3

Meeting up with a Lucky Fan



We can't begin to thank our fans enough for the feedback and comments. When we first started this adventure just a very short while ago we had discussed several things but had always limited ourselves in what we might be willing to try or do. Well we have reached a point of a major shift and it all happened because of you, our fans, Lynn's fans. Those of you who emailed her and sent her pics asking for certain things (more of those coming). Some dares have been completed but many more are in the works. In this process we have interacted with many of you and have enjoyed the play and stimulation. Often our discussions would turn to what might happen if one of you recognized Lynn while we were traveling and it stirred her up quite a bit.

There was one fan that sent us a picture of his cock with Lynn's tits and her ass and pussy. For some reason we started conversing with him and realized he wasn't that far from where we are geographically. Well this past weekend for our long memorial day weekend we decided to travel to the city he lives in. There was a good bit of teasing and sending pics and information back and forth. Ultimately that fan became our first ever threesome. Neither of us ever imagined the possibility that anything like this would actually happen, we thought it would remain fantasy talk in our hot sex discussions, but boy were we wrong.

Here is the story. At the end I will put some comments in that he sent us. We hope you enjoy!

Please realize that there were numerous previous emails where we discussed lots of personal things that put us at ease with going this direction.

The players in this game are, Lynn (one hot MILF), Buck (one horny husband) and Nice Guy (we will call him "K" and he was equally as horny as husband). (He just didn't have the MILF to give him direct release of his stress on a daily basis.) We (Lynn and Buck) started the discussion and finally decided that after setting some limitations we needed to be prepared in case we wanted to go further than just a simple inspection of Lynn's boobs. (See our earlier post for play and discussion about that.) Lynn and I had lots of talks and the more we talked the more we became comfortable with considering a full range of options as long as we left exit points in case anyone got uncomfortable. We ended up setting up our meeting in a public place (mall) and used that space for a scavenger hunt. Lynn was the prize being searched for and all I did was plant clues and feed the hunger that K had developed. We got up the morning of our meeting and got ready to travel. During that time Lynn emailed K the first two pics with a note "getting ready for my play date". Then just before we left home we sent several pics like the one of Lynn wearing her little black and white pullover dress. That email was titled "Let the games begin". As you can tell from the first pics everything was exposed underneath and she was ready for the game. I had noticed Lynn's nipples get erect under the thin material of her soft dress several times during this entire process and man was it sexy! If nothing else I was getting one hell of a show from my Hot Wife!!! We then traveled several hours to the city where we would meet K. We got situated with our hotel and went for lunch. Everything we had planned from here on was within walking distance so we left the vehicle and keys. This also allowed us to begin enjoying some better beverage choices as the day progressed. About mid afternoon we moved to our hunting grounds and waited. K was instructed to approach Lynn when he found her and ask if she happened to see his "to-do" list that he had dropped in this area earlier. She was sitting at a table in the food court of this mall and when he asked her that question she lifted the side of her skirt and produced a list that had 3 things on it.

- Find Lynn and Buck
- Go somewhere for drinks
- After a drink or two ask if there is another list (This was our first exit point if anyone wasn't comfortable)

We chatted a while and got to know each other better.

When K asked for the second list Lynn lifted the other side of her skirt and produced the second list. He was a bit surprised and got visibly excited about where the evening might go.

- Ask Lynn if you are going to get to give her your “Honest Answer” about her tits
- Go with Lynn and Buck to their room
- Enjoy drinks while Lynn Freshens up
- Spend time gently rubbing, squeezing, and playing with Lynn's tits!
- Make sure to gently rub, kiss, and suck her nipples
- After appropriate inspection check state of arousal and finger pussy as necessary while continuing inspection of tits
- If rules and Boundaries 1 was provided follow rules until everyone is satisfied (Exit Point 2)
- If rules and Boundaries 2 was provided follow those rules until everyone is satisfied (Exit Point 3)

The first thing on this second list was pulled from K's first email response to Lynn after her first post. He said:

Hi Lynn, Your boobs look great, but for me to give you an honest answer, I would like to touch, kiss, suck, and fuck your tits! Let me know if we can make that happen.

The two "Rules and Boundaries" list were list that described what was and was not allowed. Things like... No Means No, Anyone can stop all activity at any point, Types of touching were listed, etc. The big difference between the two list was #1 was all touching, rubbing and basically mutual masturbation if we decided to go that route. List # 2 was basically free play with a few exceptions like "no anal" and "Lynn decides what does or does not enter her mouth and if kissing is allowed."

After returning to our hotel around 5:30 or 6 pm. We stopped in the lobby at the hotel bar and had another drink. I excused myself for a minute to go to the room and basically allow Lynn and K some free time to relax his reservations and let him flirt without me being right under them. It helped and they were both more relaxed when I returned. There was some light touching of Lynn's legs that he was doing and they enjoyed their drinks. He got his second drink and Lynn excused herself to go to the room. K and I sat in the lobby and talked about several things and got comfortable with each other. After about 15 minutes Lynn sent me a text, I instructed her to get the rules and boundaries list that applied and have it ready and that I would text her when we were within eyesight of our door in the hallway. K and I took the elevator up to the floor and got off heading to the room. We stopped about 30 feet or so from the door and I text her. I hate I didn't get a picture when she stepped into the hallway but lets just say K and I both almost dropped our socks right there! I have enclosed a picture she and I took earlier of her in the black lace outfit with the purple shelf bra and hose. My dear goodness me, my heart skipped a beat and K almost passed out when she stepped into the hallway and smiled and I think she looked at him and said "are you ready". I couldn't say anything. We entered the room and....well a picture is worth a thousand words so I will let the pictures talk from here. We all enjoyed ourselves but we want you to give us your impression of how much you think we enjoyed ourselves. I will say this though we left the room between 9 and 9:30pm and Lynn had been fucked by both of us, we had used a few of her favorite toys on her she had kissed and licked all over both of us and I know she had 3-4 BIG orgasms not counting all of the little quakes in between. Like I said, we enjoyed ourselves.

Here is what K had to say:

K: I had a great time with Lynn and Buck, they are so cool. For the Truth or Dare Pics fans of Lynn, I am very happy to give my amateur/professional opinion of Lynn's boobs to you... The feeling of Lynn's boobs in my hands and feel of her nipples in my mouth were incredible. The size and symmetry of Lynn's boobs were perfect. Being 6'4" tall I can palm a basketball and Lynn's boobs filled my hands.

We started off with a game that Buck designed (which I wasn't very good at) where I hunt for Lynn in a crowded mall only having a pic of what she was wearing. That was a challenge for me! I guess I am not the best detective. Once I did find Lynn with some help, the conversation was enjoyable with Buck and Lynn. We continued on to have a fun play time as you can see in the pics. I also discovered I have a bit of a foot fetish, that last pic is of me between Lynn's legs with her toes rubbing my nipples. Wow, I never knew toes could be so hot!

Thanks to Lynn, Buck, TODP website, and the webmaster for making this Nice Guy's dream come true.


We hope you enjoy the pics and the story as much as we did putting this all together. Be watching, there is no telling where we will show up and what we might do next. Truth or Dare play time happens anywhere we are these days. It would be very exciting to have someone walk up to Lynn on the street and say I think I have seen you on the Truth or Dare Pics website, is your name Lynn? If you were that lucky person you might get a big squeeze of the boobies and a good solid tease from Lynn. Who knows she might even let you pet her pussy a little, just for fun!

P.S. K is the one in the pics because Buck had to take pics. Maybe we should have gotten a camera man!

Enjoy MILF Lynn and Buck...…...Happy Daring!!!!!

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