Astrid's Nude Dare

Astrid's Nude Dare

Hello webmaster/truthordarepics,

My name is Astrid and I'm 18. I was once a very shy girl until I met my boyfriend. One day my boyfriend and I were chatting and he said that he loves me more than I love him. I disagreed and he asked me to prove it. I asked how I was supposed to prove it and he said that I should do a dare.

I didn't really think about it too much as I was out to prove a point, so no ground rules were set. I had already agreed and My boyfriend started to tell me what my dare was. He started by saying that the dare had to involve me being nude in some form in front of people I didn't know.

He then proceeded to tell me that this was going to be achieved by getting my pussy pierced and both my nipples. It took me ages to build up the courage to get these tasks done but finally I rang up the piercing place and booked an appointment. And there it was... set in concrete I was going to get it done.

Finally after what seemed like a lifetime the big day finally came around. I was nervous as hell to say the least!! As I made my way from the car I could barely walk. The thought going through my mind of what I was about to undertake. Someone, who I didn't know... was going to see me naked! All my boyfriend could do was laugh and giggle like a little school boy at the predicament that I was in. But still I was out to prove him wrong.

I entered the piercing place and a lovely lady greeted me at the counter. I told her that I was here for my 12 o'clock appointment. She assured me it would be okay and she made me feel really comfortable. I was glad that it was a women and not some seedy old man.

I sat down and waited looking at some of the photos on the wall wondering how much it would hurt and if it was to late to back out now. Finally the lady called me up to the counter and asked me if I was sure that I wanted to get it done. After a small amount of paper work she pointed to a room with a table and asked me to lie down and take off my dress. Now feeling guilty my boyfriend asked me if I was sure I wanted to go through with it and that I didn't have to, my point was proven.

After what seemed like forever lying naked on the bed a man the same age as my boyfriend walked in and asked me am I all set to go. My boyfriend and I were shocked... The lady was just the receptionist not the piercing person. I was so embarrassed and yet turned on at the same time. Someone that I didn't know was seeing me naked for the first time.

He started to get all the tools ready and drew black dots on both my nipples to indicate where the piercings were going to be then he did the same to my clit. It was time... The first piercing was my left nipple, he fiddled with the clamps and I thought he was done. That wasn't that painfull. It hurt a little bit but then he yelled ready ONE,TWO and then a rush of pain, and my god I have never felt pain like it in my entire life!

All the blood rushed to my head and I felt as though I was about to pass out, but there was still another nipple and my pussy to go yet, I waited a few minutes to compose myself and decided I was okay to go on, he again asked me that if I was sure I wanted to proceed, i'd gone this far and wasn't going to turn back now. He got me to lie up the other end of the bed so my other nipple was closer, and he did it quicker this time. This nipple was more painful than the other. I didn't care anymore that I was naked because all I could think of was the pain. That was it, both my nipples were pierced!!!

After he had done both my nipples the piercing bloke asked me if I would like a 5 minute break. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that if I had a break I would not get my clit done. This would mean that I had failed and done all this for nothing. So I bite the bullet and decided to just get it over and done with. He had to put a clamp on it so the skin was pulled of my clit. He was having trouble getting it to sit properly and all I wanted was for this to be over, my nipples were so sore and I just wanted to get home and get some ice on them. He finally got it sorted and put the needle through the the hood of my clit, by this time I was so over the pain I just didn't care anymore.

It was all done, I looked down and I could not recognize my body anymore. I was so turned on that through all the pain, my pussy still managed to weep cum. I was so embarrassed but the piercing dude said that it was normal. I put my clothes back on and we went back out to the waiting area. It was then that I realized that the waiting room had filled up with people because lunch was over. The receptionist must have told them what I was getting done because one girl said, "You are so brave I could never get that done."

I just smiled and didn't say a word but inside I was mortified.

We walked back to the car, well my boyfriend did anyway and I limped back. We hoped back in the car and it was at this point that my boyfriend said that that was the first part of his dare over. I was dumbfounded. I had just gone through all that only to find out that there was another part to his dare.

I asked what I had to do, hoping it was something simple like hiked up my skirt for the ride home so people could see my swollen pussy. My boyfriend then went onto explain that I had to post pics onto a site on the internet and then asked people to email me with dare ideas. He then said that he would choose the best ones and if I didn't do them I would lose his dare challenge and he would win! I argued but he said it was his dare and he could steer it in whatever path he wanted to.

He then added that because he saw the fear in my eyes when I found out it was not a women who would pierce me but a man, that he was going to take it one step further and the dares could only be related to public nudity. I disagreed again but managed to compromise. We came to the agreement that all dare ideas be taken in consideration but he was going to choose which one I did and that I was going to have to post these pics on here as well.

So now I asked you to email me with dare ideas and send them to dare_astrid @ I will post the pics of the dare, of my boyfriends choice on once I have completed it. Please be nice. My boyfriend has proof read this to make sure that I have set out the rules he laid down. He did however have one rule that was I couldn't do any dares that involve people I or he knows and nothing to illegal and it can involve more than one part/steps.

Attached are my pics to prove the first half of the dare and that I will go through with this second part. So please get your dare ideas and send them to my email if you like what you see. We will have full photographic evidence <-- My boyfriend wrote this paragraph

Astrid - dare_astrid @

Astrid 1 Astrid's Dare Challenge Astrid 2 Astrid 3 Astrid 4 Astrid 5

Astrid's Nude Dare

Astrid's Nude Dare

Astrid's Nude Dare

Astrid's Nude Dare

Astrid's Nude Dare




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