Well, it took being stuck in the house to give me time for another dare! Just so you know, I still use your comments as fodder for my fantasies and for foreplay when I need to "relax" before going to bed.
Y'all wanted to see my butt and you've been mighty patient but thanks for persisting. Can anyone see what's in it? Prize to the first who does.
Please let me know if you are up for some chat by webcam. I have time twice per month only so h,ope to see you all there.
Each token is about 5-10 cents and you can tip 1 or as many as you like. Every token amount has an effect of some kind on the performers."
The tokens vibrates the toy remotely which is usually already inside the woman. So your 5 cents makes her shiver. After awhile, she does something extra (sexy) special ...