![]() My paying job includes time spent in my home office at my computer, doing mailings, etc. I like to be comfortable, so I’m usually in shorts and a shirt, so I’m reasonably modest if delivery guys or work associates come to the door. That changed a bit when I had my baby in January. I started leaving off the shirt, working topless so I can nurse my baby as needed. I keep a T-shirt nearby to pull on if someone came to the door. Hubby doesn't know. Then one day I was looking for something in the living room, wearing overall-shorts with the straps crossed over my chest but no shirt, when I saw the UPS truck pull up outside. The driver, who had seen me many times dressed as the typical, bland, suburban soccer mom, was trotting to the door with a package and a receipt for me to sign. He’s a guy in him mid-twenties I’ll call “Kimo." I briefly thought about running back to look for my shirt, then thought, oh well, in his line of work, he's probably seen a lot more than a woman's lactating tits! So when I opened the door, there I was with my big old tits hanging au naturel! I acted as if nothing was unusual, signed the receipt and took the package. He seemed just a bit awkward as he turned and headed back to the truck. I stood in the doorway for a minute, and sure enough, just as he reached his truck, he took a quick look back. I just smiled, and he drove off. Since then I haven't bothered much with trying to cover up before answering the door, but I always take a quick look out the window first. If it's someone from the office, I'll put on my shirt. Even then, a couple of times when one of my female colleagues has been in my home discussing business with me, I’ve pulled out a tit to nurse my baby. No Jehovah's Witnesses yet, but I surprised a couple of Mormon missionaries. They blushed, one of them said, “Maybe this isn’t a good time,” and they excused themselves. They wouldn’t have done too well here in the 1800s, when missionaries had the formidable and thankless job of trying to persuade everyone to cover their naked bodies! Most are left speechless, but a local courier service guy got a good look, and actually had the audacity and presence of mind to say, “Wow, those are some tits! Nice!” I just laughed and said, “Thanks.” The next time Kimo, the UPS guy came, I was wearing a thin tank-top, but I had pulled my left tit out through the armhole and was nursing my baby. I just kept on nursing as I answered the door. I held baby in my left arm as I signed for the package with my right hand. Kimo, looking for something to say, remarked, "Beautiful baby, Mrs. ____." I said, "Thanks," then with a little mischief, I winked and said, "You'd like to be on the other one, wouldn't you?" He got a bit more flustered, said, "Have a nice day, ma'am," and hurried back to his truck. This time he didn't look back. I laughed and hoped I hadn’t scared him away permanently. I doubted it; he generally seemed pretty cool and sure of himself. Then there was the proverbial pizza delivery guy. No, I'd never flashed a pizza guy before, though I did once post a whimsical piece of fiction on this BB in which the pizza guy played with my “pussy” (cat). I’d heard so much about others doing it, though, that I figured I might as well! I called our usual pizza place, and the delivery guy was as quick as usual. This time I decided to have a little fun, so I gave him the “full Monty”! When I saw him get out of his car and start up the walk, I opened the door and struck a pose, something like the one in my profile pic shot by my hubby earlier this year in an old abandoned cabin. He saw me, stumbled just a bit, and almost lost hold of my pizza! But he made it to the door, mumbled the amount I owed him, and tried to find someplace else to look, which is nearly impossible when you’re talking to someone who’s stark naked! I paid him, including a good tip, he thanked me, then he turned quickly and headed back to his car. I took the pizza inside and ate a couple of slices in the nude; it’s so nice not to have to worry about getting pizza sauce and cheese on your clothes! It’s even nicer when you have someone there to lick it off of you!! I know – Willy and I did that later with the rest of the pizza!!! I found myself enjoying this, and I was anticipating Kimo's next visit. Maybe it was because he seemed more fascinated with my breasts than the others, and maybe it was because he was young, tanned, toned and nice-looking. The next time he came I greeted him in my shorty overalls, tits out, and invited him in for a drink of warm milk. As I did, I slowly pulled my zipper down until my shaved slit was showing! Kimo couldn’t stand it any longer. He said, "Oh, damn," looked around to see if anyone was watching, and followed me inside. In a minute I was naked, he was sitting on the sofa, sucking milk straight from my breasts with one hand on my butt as he stroked my clit with the other! And it all felt so good!! Then I knelt and unzipped his brown shorts, pulled them down, pulled out his hard, brown, upward-curving cock and licked it from the base to the tip, slipped my lips over the head, then sucked it as he sat back and moaned. He gently turned me around, then sat on the floor. I said, “Just a second,” got a condom I had placed on the end table in case I "got lucky," and slipped it down onto his cock. Then I turned and slipped my vagina down onto his cock, and rode it for all it was worth! And after a few bucks and thrusts, he made his delivery!! Then he was saying, “Oh God, I could catch hell for this. Please don’t say anything.” I promised I wouldn’t, if he’d cum again soon! After being a good girl for months, it felt refreshing to be so naughty! And I was revitalized and ready to go back to work. That was over four months ago, and Kimo has delivered several packages since then, even better than that one! Due to his schedule, there’s been little more than that – just good, hot, sex with no time or desire for complications. It’s so nice to be a mature woman in 21st Century America, where it’s less and less of a social taboo to have younger lovers without hubby knowing!
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