Hey webmaster, We have been posting on site for a while and having fun doing it. We kept getting the same old dares, that usually would get us arrested...When the IDEAS PAGE was added. We began looking on there for new ideas and posted a few times after. We kept waiting to see if people would complete the dares on the page but not many have. So we thought we would be one of the first. We decided that we would have a night where we would do a bunch of dares from ... READ THE REST HERE.
***From Webmaster - This submission is probably THE BEST one on the site so far!!!!!! It's about 3 dares in 1. Good job guys and I challenge anyone to try to take their title. They have also sent me an email question which can be read HERE. A TRUTH OR DARE GAME PLAYED OUT
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:38 PM