Hi Folks,
Webmaster here. One of the questions I (and many of you who respond to people's dares via their email ) get a lot is for more ideas for these people (submitters). It is understandable not to want the same old boring ones but it is not always easy to be creative and come up with something fun enough for people to WANT to try.
So, I figured that to remedy the situation I'd create a page just for ideas. You can see it HERE.
I started the page off already with common dares that have already been done and would like it if you guys emailed me with your suggestions. After a week or so I'll upload what I have and in time the page will grow and people will have a ton to choose from. That should hopefully help them along in submitting more dares.
So, check out the page HERE and then send me an email from this PAGE and put 'dare ideas' in the subject line. It would be helpful for me if you separated the two categories of your dare suggestions as well (see page).
Webmaster :)
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:52 AM