Hey T or D P;I have recently been introduced to your website by a very dear and extremely sexy friend! I must say, I have been hooked since my first visit and look forward to visiting every day.I am normally a very reserved type person. However, I was recently dared to post a nude pic on your website; along with the dare to taste pussy for the first time! I nervously accepted the dare and wondered how the hell I would ever pull this off.I put the dare off for nearly 3 weeks; then boldly decided that I would fulfill this secret fantasy of mine. I phoned a close girlfriend of mine that I have known since our college days together. I wasn't sure how she would react to this propisition; however, she agreed to the photo session without hesitation. While I was in the bath preparing for our afternoon together wondering how I would bring up the idea of us going further than just the photos; I found myself growing extremely anxious. I couldn't help ...
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:06 AM