Hello webmaster/truthordarepics,My name is Astrid and i'm 18. I was once a very shy girl until I met my boyfriend. One day my boyfriend and I were chatting and he said that he loves me more than i love him. I disagreed and he asked me to prove it. I asked how i was supposed to prove it and he said that I should do a dare. I didn't really think about it too much as I was out to prove a point, so no ground rules were set. I had already agreed and My boyfriend started to tell me what my dare was. He started by saying that the dare had to involve me being nude in some form in front of people i didn't know. He then proceeded to tell me that this was going to be achieved by getting my pussy pierced and both my nipples. It took me ages to build up the courage to get these tasks done but ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:08 AM